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I Love My Mummy – Fingerhole Book

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Only 1 left. Make sure you get it 😊

  • Expressive Gratitude:

    Join a lively group of animal characters as they express their love and appreciation for their moms, creating a touching narrative that resonates with both children and parents.

  • Interactive Finger-Holes:

    Engage young readers with interactive finger-holes, adding a tactile dimension to the reading experience and making expressions of love even more delightful.

  • Vibrant Artwork:

    Immerse in a world of vivid colors with bright and cheerful artwork that captures the essence of love and gratitude, creating a visually stimulating journey.

Country of Origin : UK


Suitable for 6 months – 3 years, designed to enchant young hearts and promote early emotional expression.

Earn 5 Reward Points


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SKU: 27-181 Category: Tag: