Digger to the Rescue
Digger to the Rescue
Digger to the Rescue
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Digger to the Rescue


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😞 Sold out! Why not look for something else

Bear and Digger are very busy on the building site, they are building an adventure playground and there are lots of jobs to be done. But then a cat gets stuck up a tree! Will Bear and Digger be able to safely rescue the cat? Busy Wheels It’s time to get busy with machines that race, vroom and zoom! This vibrant series is designed to excite playful pre-schoolers. Each Busy Wheels book offers a colorful vehicle adventure, sounds to mimic and an exciting job to get done! Each story features a popular vehicle as the central character, and involves a group of animal characters in a supporting role. A detailed spread on different parts of the vehicle will help children to understand what makes up the machines and will help familiarize them with vehicle vocabulary and noises.

Age : Suitable for 2-5 years


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SKU: 25-290-34 Category: Tag: